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Why Customers Quit 1% Die, 3% Move Away, 5% Other Friendships, 14% Product Dissatisfaction, 68% Quit Because Of Attitude Of Indifference Toward Customer By Some Employee .


The biggest misconception is that CCTV is only to catch someone breaking in, theft, or security.  WRONG!  In fact, CCTV can be used to help your business grow. How?  CCTV can be used for: Liability purposes, customer service, employee productivity, suggestive selling, training and a host of others.  Lets get into some facts about CCTV and how it can help your business or keep your home safe!


Suggestive Selling

There are only two ways to increase your gross sales: one is to increase the number of customers, the second is to increase the dollars that they spend in your business.

Customer Service

Seven out out of ten customers, who quit doing business with you quit, because an employee treated the customer the wrong way.

Employee Productivity

When do your employees get more work done, when you're there or when you're gone?

Armed Robbery

98% occur in businesses without cameras and warning signs.


The odds are 1 in 3 it will happen to you.

Some Things to Think About!
Some Things to Think About!
  1. Are you spending 12 hours a day in your business, because you want to or because you have to?

  2. There are only two times that people talk to us: NOW or AFTER a loss. Which would you prefer?

  3. No one will steal or commit a crime, while being watched.

  4. There is only one way to stop a crime: that's to change the mind of the person that's about to commit it!

  5. If you converted all of your inventory to cash, piled it in the middle of the room, would you leave your employees to watch it?

How it Works
How it Works

If you looked in the rear view mirror and realized a state trooper was right behind you, would you come to a complete stop at the stop sign that you usually roll through?  Wouldn't you use your turn signal to change lanes?  Wouldn't you drive the speed limit and be sure your seat belt was on?  Why you ask?  Because, “People do more good and less bad, when they think they are being watched”   Our cameras and signs have the same affect on people in your business.


We duplicate the most important person of the business and that's YOU.  We put your eyes and ears back in the business.  We talk to a lot of business owners and most of them tell us that the business works two ways: When your there and when you are gone.